American University of Beirut

 Minor in Environmental Health

The minor in Environmental Health introduces students to the environmental system and the interactive processes that affect human health, environmental protection, and development.

The minor in Environmental Health requires 15 credits, including the following: HPCH 200 [1] , ENHL 220 [2], plus a minimum of 9 credits selected from the following ENHL courses: ENHL 221, ENHL 227, ENHL 231, ENHL 234A, ENHL 235; ENHL 238 and ENHL 239.

University minimum requirements for a minor are as follows:

  • A student must attain a cumulative average of 70 or more in courses taken to satisfy the requirements of that minor.
  • A minimum of 15 credit hours earned on the basis of regular graded courses (not tutorial or special project type courses) is required for a minor (refer to the requirements of various faculties/schools).

  • At least 9 credit hours of course work must be completed at AUB.

  • No more than 9 credit hours taken in the major field of study may be used to satisfy a requirement for another minor.

  • Minor courses may not be taken on a pass-fail basis at AUB.

More about the minor in Environmental Health

[1]This is not required of FHS students. The course could be replaced by a course from the above list of courses for the minor.

[2] Satisfies the General Education requirements in natural sciences​

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