American University of Beirut

UfS Walk - AUB4Beirut 2023

AUB University for Seniors was chosen by AUB Alumni offices as ONE of eight beneficiaries of this year AUB4Beirut run (more on this initiative). It did so given the impact of the program on the lives of older people for the past 13 years. The program that started as a life-long learning program is turning now into a hub for trainings, advocacy and research for and with older people.

The UfS organized a beautiful walk on Friday, September 22 to highlight the lively spirit of the UfS and advocate for healthy, engaged and dignified ageing. More than 100 members supported this cause by participating in the walk. FIVE Alumni chapters from around the worldToronto ChapterGreater Los Angeles ChapterHouston ChapterJordan Chapter and WAAAUB Health Sciences chapter organized their own runs/walks to support our program. ​We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this important cause and participated in the event!

Thank you for everyone who joined us in Lebanon, we truly love seeing the uplifted spirits and the smiles!

We walked together for a positive image of ageing and the rights of older people!

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