American University of Beirut

Registration procedure

​​​​​​​Spring 2025:  March 17 - June 6, 2025

Online registration will be open from Monday, March 3 at 10:00 am to Friday, March 7 at 4:00 pm. The UfS has an EXCLUSIVELY ​online registration system, online registration form can be filled by you or anyone else on your behalf. The  Limited Capacity Study Groups  are filled on a first to register, first to enroll basis. Those who complete the registration process (i.e. fill in the online application form and settle the registration fee) will be enrolled in these classes. Thus in order to guarantee your place, the registration process should be fully completed.

Registration fees

  • Individual registration fees: 
    • ​Members residing in Lebanon: have the option to choose the fee that suits her/his means most
      • $70 (minimum) per term payable in fresh dollars at AUB Cashier or ONLINE, this fee is currenlty subsidized by AUB
      • $200 per term payable in fresh dollars at AUB Cashier or ONLINE. We encourage those who who can afford this fee to opt for it as this will help the program maintain the option of having 2 different fees
    • Members residing outside Lebanon: $300 ONLINE​ or through a bank transfer
  • Couple’s registration: there will be no extra charge for couples (husband and wife/partners) i.e. couples can enroll in the term paying one registration fee of $70, $200 for those residing in Lebanon or $300 for those residing abroad - covering both members
  • Golden membership: a life membership gratis for every individual over 85 years of age with 6 consecutive terms at the UfS.​

Members will receive an invoice by email from the UfS. 

  • Members residing in Lebanon should settle the registration fees either online or in person (or through a delegate) at AUB’s cashier office (College Hall near Main Gate) in cash strictly in Fresh US dollars (USD). Further details will be sent by email after the registration form is completed. 
  • Members living outside of Lebanon should settle the registration fees online or through a bank transfer in US dollars. Further details will be sent by email after the registration form is completed. Due to logistical reasons, members paying through a bank transfer are asked to share their paid receipts with the team once the process is complete
If you choose to pay ONLINE, then please note that you will be charged 3.9% + 30¢ per payment. For example, for a payment of $100, you will be credited a total of $104.36.

The registration fees payment entitles you to become a term member and thus to participate in the term activities such as lectures, study groups, educational travel programs and UfS cultural and social events. Registration fees are to be settled no later than the first week of the term. If the fees are not paid during that period, membership for the term will be canceled unless a compelling reason is presented to the Program Manager.

Refund and Deferment: In line with AUB policies, refund of registration fees is not possible once the term starts. Deferment can be made for one term only when a compelling reason is presented to the Program Manager and no later than the first week of the term. The person whose membership is deferred is aut​omatically considered a member in the following term yet should still fill the online registration form of the following term once it becomes available online.

AUB ID card: UfS will issue an AUB ID card to members who do not have Alumni or other AUB IDs and are currently residing in Lebanon, if they wish to have one. To get an ID card, you will need to fill in an application fo​rm and bring with you two passport photos and a copy of your Lebanese ID or your passport in addition to your vaccination card. The card costs $10​ payable in Fresh US Dollars online or at AUB's Cashier. Benefits of the ID: Easy campus access, Jafet Library access, discounted rate at Charles Hostler Student Center (AUB gym)​.

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